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沈智扬,男,汉族,1986年7月生,安徽安庆人。获得法国国家科学研究中心、里尔第一大学经济学博士学位,法国国家科学研究中心、科学经济与管理学院(CNRS-LEM/IESEG UMR 9221)经济学博士后。

2020年加入亚洲必赢优惠活动大厅开始教学科研工作,围绕效率与生产率估计、数字经济、银行与金融等领域,在国际高水平期刊发表论文60余篇,其中30余篇发表于AJG/ABS 3星/ 4星期刊,包括European Journal of Operational Research》《Decision Sciences》《OMEGA》《International Journal of Production Economics》《Ecological Economics》《Energy Economics》《Annals of Operations Research》《Journal of Business Research》《IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management等。

联系方式: 010-68914372

电子邮箱: zhiyang86@163.com; z.shen@bit.edu.cn

通讯地址: 北京市海淀区中关村南大街5号亚洲必赢优惠活动大厅主楼333室





1. Song, M., Zhou, W., Upadhyay, A., and Shen, Z.* (2023). Evaluating hospital performance with plant capacity utilization and machine learning, Journal of Business Research, 159, 113687.

2. Baležentis, T., Kerstens, K., and Shen, Z.* (2022). Economic and Environmental Decomposition of Luenberger-Hicks-Moorsteen Total Factor Productivity Indicator: Empirical Analysis of Chinese Textile Firms with a Focus on Reporting Infeasibilities and Questioning Convexity, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Forthcoming.

3. Shen, Z., Baležentis, T.*, and Streimikis, J. (2022). Capacity Utilization and Energy-related GHG Emission in the European Agriculture: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach, Journal of Environmental Management, 318, 115517.

4. Wang, Z., Song, Y., and Shen, Z.* (2022). Global sustainability of carbon shadow pricing: the distance between observed and optimal abatement costs, Energy Economics, 110, 106038.

5. Shen, Z., Vardanyan, M., Baležentis, T., Wang, J.* (2021). Analyzing the Tradeoff between the Economic and Environmental Performance: the Case of Chinese Manufacturing Sector, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Forthcoming.

6. Kerstens, K., Shen, Z.* (2021). Using COVID-19 Mortality to Select Among Hospital Plant Capacity Models: An Exploratory Empirical Application to Hubei Province, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 166, 120535.

7. Baležentis, T., Blancard S., Shen, Z.*, Štreimikienė, D. (2021). Analysis of environmental total factor productivity evolution in European agricultural sector, Decision Sciences, 52(2), 483–511.

8. Boussemart, J.P., Leleu, H., Ferrier, G., and Shen, Z.* (2020). An Expanded Decomposition of the Luenberger Productivity Indicator with an Application to the Chinese Healthcare Sector, OMEGA, 91, 102010.

9. Boussemart, J.P., Leleu, H., Shen, Z.*, Vardanyan, M., Zhu, N. (2019). Decomposing banking performance into economic and credit risk efficiencies, European Journal of Operational Research, 277, 719–726.

10.Shen Z.*, Boussemart J.-P., Leleu H. (2017). Aggregate green productivity growth in OECD's countries, International Journal of Production Economics, 189, 30–39.


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:“经济-环境-社会”三重维度对全要素生产率交互影响的作用机理分析,2022-2024,主持。

2. 亚洲必赢优惠活动大厅青年教师学术启动计划:全要素生产率指标构建与分解研究,2020-2023,主持。

3. 法国科学经济与管理学院博士后项目:环境效率与生产率估计,2016-2017,主持。

4. 法国国家科研署(ANR)研究项目:豆科植物的创新种植系统中的可持续害虫控制,2022,参与。