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杨添安,亚洲必赢优惠活动大厅组织与人力资源系副教授、博士生导师。主要研究领域包括人力资源管理、数字化转型与数字健康、公共卫生政策与管理、社会心理因素与隐性缺勤、老龄化与可持续发展、医疗产业与大数据、环境科学与健康(Human Resource Management,Digital Transformation and Digital Health, Health Policy & Management, Psychosocial Factors and Presenteeism, Ageing & Sustainability, Health Industry and Big Data,Environmental Science and Health)。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、北京市社会科学基金基地项目,参与多项国家、省部级项目。在国内外SCI、SSCI等高水平学术期刊以第一作者或通讯作者发表学术论文40余篇,已担任《Human Resource Management Journal》《Journal of Organizational Behavior》《Environmental Health Perspectives》《Health & Social Care in the Community》《BMC Public Health》《Information Technology & People》《Scientific Reports》等期刊编委或审稿人。曾在美国管理学年会(2017)做会议发言;主编出版规划教材《人力资源管理》《卫生人力资源管理》(本研通用),出版学术专著《健康风险、服务供给及智慧赋能——实施健康中国战略背景下我国公共医疗卫生治理相关问题研究》;兼任工业和信息化部教育与考试中心专家库专家、国家留学基金委建设高水平大学公派研究生项目(联合培养博士研究生)评审专家、国际职业健康委员会中工作组织与社会心理因素专业委员会、老龄化专业委员会中国区委员(Scientific Committee for Work Organization and Psychosocial Factors, Scientific Committee for Aging, International Commission on Occupational Health),获亚洲职业卫生会议优秀青年学者奖、中国医药卫生管理青年学者论坛优秀口头汇报奖、北京市高等教育学会研究生教育研究分会第十二届优秀高等教育论文评奖活动二等奖、北京市高等教育学会研究生教育研究分会第十二届优秀高等教育论文二等奖等国家与省部级奖励。曾在德国慕尼黑工业大学管理学院合作研究(2019)。













  • Deng, W., Yang, T., Deng, J.*, Liu, R., Sun, X., Li, G., Wen, X. Investigating factors influencing medical practitioners' resistance and adoption of internet hospitals in China: A mixed-methods study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2023, forthcoming. (SCI, Q1; IF=7.4)

  • Yang, T., Liu, Y., Chen, Z., Deng, J*. Change of productivity loss due to presenteeism among the ageing workforce: Role of work support, workplace discrimination, and the work-nonwork interface. Human Resource Management Journal, 2022. (SSCI, Q1; IF=5.5;探究工作支持与工作场所歧视如何通过工作-家庭关系影响员工的隐性缺勤生产力损失,并提出干预策略)

  • Yang, T., Deng, W., Liu, Y., Deng, J*. Comparison of health-oriented cross-regional allocation strategies for the COVID-19 vaccine: a mathematical modelling study. Annals of Medicine, 2022, 54(1): 941-952. (SCI, Q2; IF=4.4;通过传染病动力学建模对比不同的以降低传播为目的的疫苗分配策略,并提出疫苗分配的优化思路与配套措施)

  • Deng, J., Liu, J., Yang, T.*, Duan, C*. Behavioural and economic impacts of end-user computing satisfaction: Innovative work behaviour and job performance of employees. Computers in Human Behavior, 2022,136. (SSCI, Q1; IF=9.9;探究企业信息系统的终端用户满意度对员工创新性工作行为与工作绩效的影响,并提出相应企业实践问题的解决方案)

  • Yang, T., Jin, Y., Jin, X., Deng, J.*. How can organizational support help employees mitigate the effects of distributive injustice: A hierarchical moderated mediation model. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 2022: 1-28. (SSCI, Q3; IF=2.4;利用跨层数据分析探究组织支持如何帮助员工缓解分配不公的问题,并提出相应企业实践问题的解决方案)

  • Deng, J., Liu, J., Guo, Y., Gao, Y., Wu, Z., Yang, T*. How does social support affect public service motivation of healthcare workers in China: the mediating effect of job stress. BMC public health, 2021, 21(1): 1-13.( SSCI, Q2; IF=4.5;探究组织中社会支持如何通过降低工作压力,从而影响员工公共服务动机,并提出相应企业实践问题的解决方案)

  • Yang, T., Liu, R., Deng, J*. Does Co-worker Presenteeism Increase Innovative Behavior? Evidence From IT Professionals Under the 996 Work Regime in China. Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, 12: 2526. (SSCI, Q1; IF=3.8;探究996工作制下同事隐性缺勤行为如何通过影响员工晋升期待,从而增加企业创新工作行为与绩效,并提出相应企业实践问题的解决方案)

  • Yang, T., Deng, W., Zhao, W., Deng, J.*. Do indicators for the proportion of pharmaceutical spending alleviate the burden of medical expenditure? Evidence from provincial panel-data in China, 2010-2019. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research, 2021, 44(6): 765-779. (SSCI, Q3; IF=2.3;探究我国过去十多年医改对于医疗支出负担的影响,并提出相应政策建议)

  • Ruhle,S., Breitsohl, H., Aboagye, E., Baba, V., Biron, C., Correia Leal, C., Dietz, C., Ferreira, A., Gerich, J., Johns, G., Karanika-Murray, M., Lohaus, D., Løkke, A., Lopes, S., Martinez, L., Miraglia, M., Muschalla, B., Poethke, U., Sarwat, N., Schade, H., Steidelmüller, C., Vinberg, S., Whysall, Z., Yang, T. “To work, or not to work, that is the question”–Recent trends and avenues for research on presenteeism. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 2020, 29(3): 344-363.(SSCI, Q2; IF=4.3;全球隐性缺勤研究未来十年研究的前沿方向)

  • Yang, T., Lei, R., Li, P., Lim, A., Sun, Y., Deng, J., Lin, S., See, L.C*. Moderated Mediation Model from Stress to Burnout among Health Professionals. American Journal of Health Behavior, 2020, 44(6): 765-779. (SSCI, Q3; IF=2.3)

  • Yang, T.*, Deng, W., Liu, Y., Zhao, W., Liu, J., Cao, Y., Deng, J.* Association between ambient air pollution and laryngeal neoplasms incidence in twelve major Chinese cities, 2006–2013. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27(31): 39274-39282.(SCI, Q1; IF=5.8)

  • Yang, T.*, Liu, Y., Deng, W., Zhao, W., Deng, J.* SARS-Cov-2 trajectory predictions and scenario simulations from a global perspective: a modelling study. Scientific reports, 2020, 10(1): 1-15.(SCI, Q2; IF=4.6)

  • Yang, T.*, Shi, H., Liu, J., Cao, Y., Deng, J.* Lessons Learnt from China: National Multidisciplinary Healthcare Assistance. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 2020, 13, 1835-1837.(SSCI, Q2; IF=3.5)

  • Yang, T.*, Ma, M., Guo, Y., Li, Y., Tian, H., Liu, Y., Chen, Q., Zhang, S., Deng, J*. Do job stress, health, and presenteeism differ between Chinese healthcare workers in public and private hospitals: a cross sectional study. Psychology, health & medicine, 2020, 25(6): 653-665.(SSCI, Q2; IF=3.8)

  • Deng, J., Sun, Y., Lei, R., Guo, Y., Liu, J., Yang, T.* Status of healthcare workers after comprehensive reform of urban public hospitals in Beijing, China: sustainable supply, psychological perception, and work outcomes. Human Resources for Health, 2019, 17(1):77.(SSCI, Q1; IF=4.5)

  • Deng, J., Li, Y., Sun, Y., Lei, R., Yang, T*. Public service motivation as a mediator of the relationship between job stress and presenteeism: a cross-sectional study from Chinese public hospitals. BMC health services research, 2019, 19(1): 625. (SCI, Q3; IF=2.8)

  • Yang, T.*, Ma, T., Liu, P., Liu, Y., Chen, Q., Guo, Y., Zhang, S., Deng, J*. Perceived Social Support and Presenteeism among Healthcare Workers in China: The Mediating Role of Organizational Commitment. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 2019, 24(1): 55. (SSCI, Q1; IF=4.7)

  • Deng, J., Sun, Y., Lei, R., Yang, T*.  Job Stress and Healthcare Quality among Chinese Healthcare Workers: The Mediating Effects of Public Service Motivation. American Journal of Health Behavior, 2019, 43(4): 705-716. (SSCI, Q3; IF=2.3)

  • Deng, J., Guo, Y., Ma, T., Yang, T.*, Tian, X*.  How job stress influences job performance among Chinese healthcare workers: a cross-sectional study. Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, 2019, 24(1): 2. (SSCI, Q1; IF=4.7)

  • Deng, J., Tian, H., Guo, Y., Ma, T., Sun, Y., Zhang, S., Yang, T.*, Tian, X. A retrospective and prospective assessment of the zero‐markup drug reform in China from the perspective of policy diffusion. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 2018. (SSCI, Q3; IF=2.7)

  • Yang. T., Ma, M., Zhu, M., Liu, Y., Chen, Q., Zhang, S., Deng, J.*, Challenge or hindrance: Does job stress affect presenteeism among Chinese healthcare workers? Journal of Occupational Health. 2018.(SCI, Q3; IF=3)

  • Yang. T., Guo, Y., Ma, M., Li, Y., Tian, H., Deng, J*. Job stress and presenteeism among Chinese healthcare workers: The mediating effects of affective commitment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017. (SSCI, Q1; IF=2.468)

  • Yang, T., Shen, Y.M., Zhu, M., Liu, Y., Deng, J., Chen, Q., See, L.C.* Effects of Co-Worker and Supervisor Support on Job Stress and Presenteeism in an Aging Workforce: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2016, 13(1): 72. (SSCI, Q1; IF=2.468)

  • Yang, T.*, Zhu, M., Xie, X., The Determinants of Presenteeism: A Comprehensive Investigation of Stress-related Factors at Work, Health and Individual Factors among Aging Workforce. Journal of Occupational Health, 2016. 58(1):25-35.(SCI, Q3;  IF=3)

  • Yang. T., Liu, Y., Chen, Q., Zhu, M., Deng, J., Challenge or Hindrance: Job Stress Leads to Reduction of Presenteeism in Chinese Context, Really. ACAD MANAGE PROC. 2017, doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2017.10676symposium(探究不同类型工作压力对于隐性缺勤行为的影响机制,并提出在企业管理实践中的应对策略)

  • Yang, T., Liu, Y., Chen, Q., Zhu, M., Deng, J. Challenge or hindrance: job stress leads to a reduction of presenteeism in the Chinese context, really? Academy of Management 2017 Annual Meeting. 2017. Atlanta, USA.(探究不同类型工作压力对于隐性缺勤行为的影响机制,并提出在企业管理实践中的应对策略)







